This is what I learned on sudo today. I hope i will update this post at a later time with more information but i am typing this down so that i don't forget and so that I can reference it at a later point of time.
We can sudo into a unix/linux box using the command sudo -u dba -i. (dba is the user whose permissions you will have ). After sudo ing into the machine we can connect using sysdba and access the all the database features.
I was doing some execises and came across this problem of creating a view in a schema. All I had to do was grant the create view previlage to this user but i did'nt know how to connect as dba or any other user in the database using which i can grant the premission to this view. So what i did was sudoed into the machine using sudo -u dba -i and connected to the database as sysdba. Then granted the permission. I never thought it could be so easy. But i guess when you have complete peace(@3 am in the morning) ideas strike you fast.
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